This past December, NAC swimmers had the opportunity to donate pennies, quarters, and dollars towards sustainable Christmas gifts for children and families in Central Uganda. NAC did this by working with Project R12, a locally based nonprofit, who has a global vision to invest in the lives of the most vulnerable through social and economic development. Project R12 has also partnered with other Nashville companies like Project 615 and The Well Coffeehouse to build a Safehouse for orphans and a deep production clean water well for the community in Uganda. NAC’s partnership was paramount for this Christmas season.
The NAC swimmers all together raised $825.83 and invested into sustainable gifts for children and families who have never received a Christmas gift before. The gifts were carefully selected to create sustainability and hope in the lives of the children and families for 2019. Due to the impact of last years NAC Penny Pounding campaign, Nashville Aquatic Club has decided to match the swimmers’ contributions! That means that NAC all together has raised $1,651.66!
100% of the money raised is going directly to Uganda to permanently impact countless families and at-risk children! This is an incredible movement of love and generosity that you all have been a part of.
The impact is tremendous. Project R12 was able to distribute seeds to over 20 farming families so they would be able to plant their crops for 2019. Over 10 fully grown goats were given to families who have been trying to start a goat milk business. 25 children received their very first mattress and bedding – they are no longer sleeping in the dirt. Over 50 children received school supplies for the start of the school year. Without these school supplies, these children would have been turned away from school. 10 children in the public school system also had their lunches sponsored for 2019 – a huge gift as this would be their only meal they could count on in the week
Thank you so much to everyone involved in giving this past December. You have made the world a better place and your impact will create generational change as families are empowered to create self-sustainment and children are given the opportunity for education and health.
Here are the results on how much each NAC group raised:
Blue Group & Senior 1: $588.61
Red, White, & Green: $136.82
Senior 2 & 3: $100.41